Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem


Insult Poem

Your Face,
Is like a can of mace,
It stings my eyes,
and attracts flies.

You think your all that,
but really your just an annoying brat,
you try so hard to fit in,
but you have to bright of skin.

Your always with him,
It's making people grin,
Your voice is so loud,
it could scare a huge crowd.

You make the wrong decisions,
It's starting to cause collisions,
sorry if this hurts, 
but get longer shirts.

1 comment:

  1. Kayley,

    Your poem is super funny,
    You did not have to be so cruel,
    Next time say something on how they always drool,
    And then it would be extra pun-y.
