Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem


Insult Poem

Your Face,
Is like a can of mace,
It stings my eyes,
and attracts flies.

You think your all that,
but really your just an annoying brat,
you try so hard to fit in,
but you have to bright of skin.

Your always with him,
It's making people grin,
Your voice is so loud,
it could scare a huge crowd.

You make the wrong decisions,
It's starting to cause collisions,
sorry if this hurts, 
but get longer shirts.

Spring Break Sonnet

Spring Break Sonnet- Kayley O'Dell

Nothing to do but sit in my cold room,
Cooking and cleaning until the job is done,
Hoping to go do something very soon,
Sitting on the porch looking at the sun,
Painting nature in it's bright new form,
Watching new movies with the empty house,
Sitting inside while the snow makes a storm,
Hoping my cat's don't catch a mouse,
The snow got so deep I built a snowman,
I was shivering I was cold as ice,
Before he sun came everything was frozen,
I had to re-shovel the porches twice,
The snow was so beautiful that it shined,
The storm was so bad birds were flying blind.

All Images are from google images