Friday, April 1, 2016

Insult Poem


Insult Poem

Your Face,
Is like a can of mace,
It stings my eyes,
and attracts flies.

You think your all that,
but really your just an annoying brat,
you try so hard to fit in,
but you have to bright of skin.

Your always with him,
It's making people grin,
Your voice is so loud,
it could scare a huge crowd.

You make the wrong decisions,
It's starting to cause collisions,
sorry if this hurts, 
but get longer shirts.

Spring Break Sonnet

Spring Break Sonnet- Kayley O'Dell

Nothing to do but sit in my cold room,
Cooking and cleaning until the job is done,
Hoping to go do something very soon,
Sitting on the porch looking at the sun,
Painting nature in it's bright new form,
Watching new movies with the empty house,
Sitting inside while the snow makes a storm,
Hoping my cat's don't catch a mouse,
The snow got so deep I built a snowman,
I was shivering I was cold as ice,
Before he sun came everything was frozen,
I had to re-shovel the porches twice,
The snow was so beautiful that it shined,
The storm was so bad birds were flying blind.

All Images are from google images

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

In The Forest

                                                                     In The Forest
It was a cloudy day in the town of Cripple Creek. The sun was barely visible, snow was beginning to come down through the trees that stood tall above. It wasn’t abnormal in this town, Tall intimidating trees, smoke coming out of short stocks, and old grass all around. Savanahh was on her way home, her brother following behind. As they reached their house their mom was fighting with someone out front so they took the back gate. As Savanahh slide open their glass door their dog Buster came running up to them barking. Savanahh grabbed Busters leash and a small bag of dog treats and let Buster in the back yard so she could put down her bag and take him out. As Savanahh was walking into the backyard she noticed that Buster wasn’t there, she ran inside yelling “Buster… Buster…Buster!!!!” her brother heard and came running into the living room.
          “Busters not in here, he went outside.”
          “I was just out there, he wasn’t back there.”
So they both went running out there and saw that the gate was open and that Buster was out on the street. The two looked at each other and went running towards Buster, but he bolted right into the woods. The two teenagers still had all of their stuff in their hands, but they kept running and followed Buster right into the woods. They had no idea what all really awaited them in the woods. As the two were running and running for wat seemed like a century, Daniel, Savanahhs younger brother, looked up at the sky and saw that the sky was getting really dark. But that didn’t stop Savanahh. She remembers having that dog her whole life, so did Daniel, their dog wasn’t known as just their pet, Buster was Savanahhs guard when she would sleep, Buster was Daniels best friend when he was growing up. They had to rescue Buster.
          As night fall came the trees started to seem invisible and the only thing in sight was the stars. As Daniel looked up at the stars he felt a weird feeling, as if he knew that they had no luck in finding Buster, but he kept moving. That night they saw a bright light. They went to go check out what it could be, it looked like a bright blue ball of energy. Daniel immediately touched it and it did nothing so then Savanahh touched it and it moved. As it moved four numbers popped up. 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and so on until they hit the four numbers 1066 this was when there was mythical creatures and knights and giants and goblins. Savanahh and Daniel didn’t think anything about it. The next day they saw a small little village and decided to take a look around, get some breakfast and hopefully find their dog. Right as they were walking into the town they realized that the houses seemed really small, but they kept walking. They didn’t see anyone in the village so they kept walking, right as they got near the middle of the village hey heard a really loud horn sound and then a lot of screaming after words. The two couldn’t tell where the sound was coming from, but it was getting closer and closer to them. Suddenly a group of really ugly and really mean goblins came running out at the two teenagers. The two tries to run but they were surrounded. The goblins seemed to have a lot of pointy sticks and sharp metal in their hands. When all of the goblins reached the teenagers there was a split second of silence and the only words that were said were words from the eyes. The goblins and the Savanahh and Daniel looked at each other for what seemed like hours. Then the one sound that the two teenagers had been waiting to hear finally arose.
          “Bark! Bark!”
It was Buster, and he sounded really close. Savanahh and Daniel took their eyes off the goblins and started looking around. One of the goblins got curious about what Savanahh and Daniel were doing in there village, so he stood on top of one of the logs and asked really loudly.
          “What are you ridiculously tall things doing in our village?”
          “We are looking for our dog. My name is Savanahh and this is my younger brother Daniel. We are seriously sorry for invading on your guys space, but we really need to find our dog have any of you guys seen him?”
          “No we haven’t seen a dog and even if we had we would have eaten it already by now.”
That seriously scared the two teenagers because they would never wish any type of harm on Buster and they would definitely never wish for him to be eaten by mean goblins.
          “We don’t like strangers in our village we need you to leave, right now!”
          “We’re sorry thank you for your time” they both said as they scarce fully walked away from the goblins.
As soon as they were far away from the village they stopped and started talking to each other.
          “That was crazy! Who eats dogs?” Savanahh said as she took off her back pack.
          “We need to find Buster before they do!”
Right as Daniel said that a golden dog started running up to both of them. Daniel was so happy to see Buster and Savanahh was too. Buster ran right up to Savanahh and tackled her right to the ground. She fell and started laughing, but all the laughter stopped right as the goblins returned. They had gone to apologize to them for being mean and were going to try to give them stuff to help, but when they saw the dog they knew that they would have a feast that night so they got their sleep potions and hit Savanahh and Daniel with a very strong amount of sleep.
          Daniel was the first of them to wake up. As he opened his eyes everything was burry, but as his eyes started to adjust and he saw that he was tied to a table. His sister was placed right next to him but was only tied at the hands and the feet. As he tried to wake her he almost fell off the table so he screamed as loud as he could for her to wake up. As Savanahh opened her eyes she said that she couldn’t see anything and that she was really scared, but after a few moments her eyes started to adjust and she started looking around for a way out. Daniel remembered that he had a really good knife that he always kept in her bag right at the bottom. As Savanahh sat up she got really light headed and ad to lay back down for a second. Daniel couldn’t wait, he started yelling at her to get back up.
          “Savanahh get up we have to get up we have to get out of here!”
          “I’m trying stop yelling at me.”
          “Hurry up!”
Savanahh was finally able to sit up and reach her bag. As she emptied it out her bag she finally found the knife. Savanahh cut herself free and then cut her brother free. They both stood up and Savanahh didn’t say a thing to Daniel. They both started walking around the little house looking for anything that could help them. They found nothing so they looked out the windows, but didn’t see anyone. They were super careful about the amount of noise and where they were going, but every little noise that Daniel would make Savanahh would snap at him. Once they got the middle of town they found the cage that the goblins had built to keep buster in so they could cook him for dinner. The cage was mad out of tree branches so Daniel went right up to the cage and broke one of the branches and Savanahh yelled at him.
          “You idiot, you are supposed to be being really quite, you’re the one that didn’t close the gate and you are the reason that we have to be out here in the first place!”
          Daniel got really hurt by this and instead of just walking away he snapped right back.
          “Well if it weren’t for you we wouldn’t have been walking through the woods dark at night last night and we wouldn’t have ran into the goblins village”
          As they started fighting they weren’t paying attention to the noise level they were making and all of a sudden they had another big group of goblins running towards them. Daniel realized as the goblins were trying to get into the house, so Daniel showed Savanahh the back door. As soon as they ran out of the house they quickly ran to each house looking for Buster. The last place that they decided to check was the middle of town. As Daniel walked around the tree in the middle of the goblins village he spotted the cage that they had had Buster in except this time Buster wasn’t there.  They searched for what felt like whatever and they almost started thinking that Buster was dead and that they were too late. Just as Savanahh and Daniel were about to give up they heard the sound of cheering and then Buster barking. They ran straight to him and kicked every goblin along the way. The adrenaline kicked in and they weren’t going to stop for anyone or anything until they had their dog in their hands. Their dog was hanging upside down getting poked at by a very small and very loud goblin babies. The moment that they reached Buster they split up, Daniel started throwing the goblin babies and Savanahh started untying Buster. Once they got buster down and they got his leash on they started running for the woods. They never even thought to look behind them the entire time that they were running. Then as they were running in the forest they heard a really loud sound in the sky so at first they thought that it was a plane, but it was really a dragon that was flying right above them. That’s when it clicked in Savanahhs mind. When they were poking the creepy blue ball they were going back in time. She remembered that there were numbers showing up and that it looked like a timeline, but she couldn’t remember what numbers they landed on.
          “Daniel remember when we were tapping the blue magic ball and there were numbers, do you remember what number we stopped at?”
          “We stopped at 1066 I believe, why?”
          “We traveled back in time!”
So Savanahh explained everything to him as they started running towards the blue ball. After two hours they finally found the blue ball. They started tapping the ball and only kept going back in time so they stopped before they went back to far. They couldn’t figure out how to go forward so they stopped. They looked around for a minute to think of what to do. Just as Savanahh looked out in the distance she saw a really small cabin.
          “Daniel! There’s a cabin out there!”
So they ran straight to the cabin and knocked on the door. After the third knock a 60 year old guy came to the door.
          “Hi my name is Savanahh and this is my brother Daniel we saw a blue ball out in the woods, is that by any chance ours?”
          “Yes that’s mine, why do you want to know?”
          “My brother and I accidentally tapped it WAY too many times and we were wondering if you knew how to reduce what it did to us?”
          “It’ll cost you a pretty penny!”
          “We will give you what we can.”
          “Okay come in. My name is Dr. Blue.”
So as Savanahh and Daniel entered the nice guy’s home they looked at each other and were really hopeful. The old guy closed the door and asked them what time period they were from.
          “We lived in 2016, isn’t this 1066?”
          “Holy cow, why did you guys tap the ball so many times?”
          “We didn’t know what we were doing.”
          “Okay well first we need to talk about how much this is going to cost you.”
          “I can give you a couple sharpies.” Daniel said.
          “I can give you one of my band necklaces” said Savanahh.
          “Alright that works. Now the way to reverse this is very easy but it tastes terrible. You have to drink a potion that tastes like nothing until it hits the back of your throat. You’re going to have to lay on the floor right after you take it because you will fall asleep.”
          “Thank you.” Both of them said.
As the older guy was getting thing ready Savanahh turned to Daniel and told him thank you.
          “I just wanted you to know I’m really glad that we were able to stop ignoring each other and save are best friend. Thank you.”

Right as they got done with their moment the old guy came back into the room and gave each of them a little cup full of violet mixture. About three minutes later they were both laying on the floor. When they woke up they were both in their rooms and they were lying in bed. The first thing that they looked at was home many days had past but none had. It had only been a half hour since they had left into the woods. They immediately ran to each other and give each other a hug. As Daniel was walking the dog to go to the restroom he looked up to the sky to say thank you and smiled.